What is happening to our churches?
When God speaks, He always expects a response.
I was taught this as a child. I was taught this in Bible college. I was taught this in seminary. I read it again last week. I believe this is true. I would venture to say that many who attend evangelical churches would even give an "Amen" to the statement.However...
If we believe, truly believe the statement is true, then what has happened in our churches?
Maybe, just maybe, the statement itself is not understood in light of biblical truth. I am going to make an assumption for the sake of this article, you believe the Bible is the inerrant, fully sufficient, word of God. Now, let me be clear, whether you believe it or not does not change the fact that it is. The only change will be your response to it.
Scripture is God's primary mode of communication in our world today. Since it is God communicating through His holy word, when His word is taught, read, studied and preached, God expects us to respond in obedience. When we do not obey we are living in sin. This is the mode in which many Western churches operate, sin.
God's people sit week after week hearing the truth from pulpits as God speaks His message through His servants. As His word is proclaimed, those listening nod in agreement or nod off to sleep. Then they say kind words of encouragement on the way out to their pastor. Yet they never respond in obedience.
The invitation has gone the way of the dinosaur. The call to repentance has become a call to lunch. The sold out believer has become the burned out member.
What now?
If there was ever a time to put aside the prayer lists, it is now. It is time for the people of God to lift their voices to God in cries of anguish, repentance and request for revival. Revival that starts in me and in you. Let us stop thinking about the "other person" and ask God to do a work in us.
Pray that God would transform your mind. Conform you heart. To be molded as He desires, in the way He wishes. As you do, acknowledge that He is in charge and you are not.
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