I Don't Like It

Comfort, prestige, home and health.  These and many more creature comforts have overtaken the mindset of Western Christianity.  One day, Jesus is shared and the unthinkable happens...you are laughed at or someone disagrees with you.  We call it persecution, and by definition, it may be.  You do not like it.  How can you make sure that never happens again?  This is not what you signed up for when you became a Christian.  So here is a helpful guide to quit the horrible persecution you have endured.

Ways to NOT be persecuted:

1. Refuse to share Jesus with others

This is simple.  Keep your faith hidden.  Live in total disobedience to the command of Jesus and you will not have to be concerned with other people.

2. Do not pray that people will respond to the gospel

Prayer is a weapon.  Do not fight for the souls of those who are headed to a Christless eternity.  Fall deeper and deeper into carnality and persecution will not be yours.

3. Live a "normal" life, similar to everyone around you

If no one can tell that there is something different in your soul, then you should be able to just cruise through life.  Chase money, power, fame.  Live in idolatry and worship anything other than God.  Show up to church for weddings, funerals, Easter and Christmas.  Work on Sunday.  Do anything and everything you can to fit into the world system around you.

When you live in obedience to the call of Jesus on your life, you will experience persecution.  It has been said that the more you live on mission, the more persecution you will have.  We have much to be grateful for as the children of God.  For those that live under the realm of freedom, be sure to never take that for granted.  One way to show your gratefulness is to be actively talking about Jesus to those within your sphere of influence.  As you do, expect pushback.

"Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 

2 Timothy 3:12 (NASB)


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