I Love Jesus, but I Didn't Click!

Sharing Jesus is not about clicking, it is requires talking.
1. You must use words
Spoken or written, sharing Jesus requires words. Now you may say, "I share Jesus with my life and when people are ready they will see something different in me and ask about my faith." Let me give you two quick thoughts. First, you do need to be living your life so others can see the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Second, the Bible uses words. If God intended it to be pictures, He would have waited until movies were invented to share His redemptive story. He didn't. So if you want to claim Jesus, then you must do as commanded and talk about Him.
2. The Internet is a tool to use, not a people group
When Jesus said, "Go into all the world" He was not,talking about cyber space. First of all, it is space, not the world. I believe that the gospel is spread daily through social media and other outlets on the Internet. Use it to share the gospel. Talk to that person in the next town, another state, and around the world. But do not forget your neighbor across the street or next door. When you speak with someone face to face, you have skin in the game. And I believe that since Jesus sacrificed His skin and body, His very life, for us, the least we can do is put a little skin in the game ourselves.3. Ambassadors, not cyber stalkers
2 Corinthians 5:20 says, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." There is a huge difference between appealing to someone in conversation and stalking someone until they are so afraid of you they agree with what you say. Those who know Jesus Christ as Savior have been commissioned to represent Jesus Christ to their lost generation. You can definitely have that type of presence on-line but you must have that in your community. Ambassadors reside within the region to which they are sent. We are sent to our cities, our regions, our world simultaneously. The wonderful thing about today's technology is that you can have a both/and witness not an either/or presence.
4. Reconcile, not defragers
Your computer or electronic device is subject to viruses. Can you imagine standing before Jesus and He asks you, "Why didn't you defrag and malware your computer so you could click on Me to tell the world you love Me? Ridiculous to even imagine, isn't it? You want to defrag something, make certain that your soul is defragged biblically and then go out and help others learn how to reconcile with God. That is your job, "namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:19There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an on-line presence. It becomes wrong when your on-line presence is the only place where Jesus is shared in your world. God is not concerned about you clicking on some image that someone else says is Him. He is concerned for those around you that are on their way to a Christ-less eternity. He is concerned that you know Him and love Him enough to share Him with others. He is concerned with your fears and your angst and want you to know today that He loves you and you are special to Him. And you don't need to click on anything for that.
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