
Showing posts from May, 2017

I Love Jesus, but I Didn't Click!

There you are, minding your own business and then it shows up...If you love Jesus or want a blessing, type Amen or like or share.  I really despise those things.  The reason I do not like them is very simple:  That is not how it works!  God is not your genie, the man upstairs, the guy in the sky or your spiritual broker.  God is not there to make deals, bargain with or try to manipulate. These are all lies about a god who does not exist.  Clicking on an image of some guy in a robe who has one hand held up in the air will not proclaim your love for Jesus, get you any type of blessing nor does it share Jesus with anyone.  If you want to show the world around you, be it the cyber world or the physical world, then there is only one way to do it. Sharing Jesus is not about clicking, it is requires talking. 1. You must use words Spoken or written, sharing Jesus requires words.  Now you may say, "I share Jesus with my life and when people are rea...

What is happening to our churches?

When God speaks, He always expects a response.   I was taught this as a child.  I was taught this in Bible college.  I was taught this in seminary.  I read it again last week.  I believe this is true.  I would venture to say that many who attend evangelical churches would even give an "Amen" to the statement. However... If we believe, truly believe the statement is true, then what has happened in our churches? Maybe, just maybe, the statement itself is not understood in light of biblical truth.  I am going to make an assumption for the sake of this article, you believe the Bible is the inerrant, fully sufficient, word of God.  Now, let me be clear, whether you believe it or not does not change the fact that it is.  The only change will be your response to it. Scripture is God's primary mode of communication in our world today.  Since it is God communicating through His holy word, when His word is taught, read, studied and prea...

I Don't Like It

Comfort, prestige, home and health.  These and many more creature comforts have overtaken the mindset of Western Christianity.  One day, Jesus is shared and the unthinkable are laughed at or someone disagrees with you.  We call it persecution, and by definition, it may be.  You do not like it.  How can you make sure that never happens again?  This is not what you signed up for when you became a Christian.  So here is a helpful guide to quit the horrible persecution you have endured. Ways to NOT be persecuted: 1. Refuse to share Jesus with others This is simple.  Keep your faith hidden.  Live in total disobedience to the command of Jesus and you will not have to be concerned with other people. 2. Do not pray that people will respond to the gospel Prayer is a weapon.  Do not fight for the souls of those who are headed to a Christless eternity.  Fall deeper and deeper into carnality and persecution will not be y...