I Love Jesus, but I Didn't Click!

There you are, minding your own business and then it shows up...If you love Jesus or want a blessing, type Amen or like or share. I really despise those things. The reason I do not like them is very simple: That is not how it works! God is not your genie, the man upstairs, the guy in the sky or your spiritual broker. God is not there to make deals, bargain with or try to manipulate. These are all lies about a god who does not exist. Clicking on an image of some guy in a robe who has one hand held up in the air will not proclaim your love for Jesus, get you any type of blessing nor does it share Jesus with anyone. If you want to show the world around you, be it the cyber world or the physical world, then there is only one way to do it. Sharing Jesus is not about clicking, it is requires talking. 1. You must use words Spoken or written, sharing Jesus requires words. Now you may say, "I share Jesus with my life and when people are rea...