Honoring the Other Guy

Every high school sport that I have been a part of or attended over the years always has the same thing happen.  It is known as Seniors' night.     The night that all graduating seniors are recognized and honored for what? When you break it down, each senior is being honored for being himself. Whether they have contributed to the team over the years or this is their first, each one gets honored.   What would happen if we honored others for just being...them?  Could it be that community, unity, cooperation and gratitude may just make a comeback?

Simple ideas for honoring others.

1. Send a personal thank you note

There are few things more uplifting than checking the mail and finding a hand written note of thanks.  Choose a ink color other than black or blue.  I like using green.  It shows that you have taken the time to show your appreciation.

2. Spend your time

We live in a day where we "do" lunch.  What if we went back to "eating" lunch and using that time to connect and enhance our relationships.  Spending your time tells your friends and family that you value them.  You could even offer to buy lunch, expecting nothing in return.

3.  Surprise recognition night

Throw a party.  Whether it is a family member, friend, co-worker, whomever, set up an evening of recognition.  Get a cake, some ice cream, games, music and a card.  Make the night about them.

Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. - 1 Peter 2:17 (NASB)

This is how we are to live.  You may be trying to imagine what life would be like if people actively lived this out on a daily basis. Be the one who changes your sphere of influence.  You start living this way and leave the rest to God.


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