Now Is The Time To Stand For Truth
Our world is full of accusations, allegations, condemnations, retaliations, polarization, victimization, and the list goes on and on. What are we, as believers in Jesus Christ our God and Savior, supposed to do with all of these things? How do we respond biblically? The answer is simple, but it is not easy. We stand for biblical truth. Let me give you three ways that are just the tip of the iceberg, but help us on our way to living out biblical truth.
1. We stand on the rock, Jesus Christ.
The believer cannot stand alone, nor even without the help of Jesus. Peter and Paul both remind us what the prophet states about Jesus by declaring, “BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” (Romans 9:33; 1 Peter 2:8 NASB) When those we look up to as models fail and fall we must look past them to Jesus Christ the Lord who is the only One in whom we will never be disappointed. Every other person will fail and sin for we are all sinners and need salvation. Jesus is our rock and He is the only One who is a sure foundation upon which to build our lives. We must be grieved by what is taking place in our cities, schools, families, and churches, but we are not defeated for we stand on the rock, Jesus Christ.
2. We stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:23 makes clear that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." We all need the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you know Jesus Christ as Savior, you need the gospel just as much today as the day you believed it. None of us are righteous in and of ourselves. Therefore, we must ask ourselves what does it mean to stand in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
To start with, it means that we must take responsibility for our part in choosing sin. Repentance is paramount, however; you cannot repent if you do not acknowledge your own responsibility. Personal responsibility demands personal accountability. You are able to choose to act as you wish, live as you please, for good or evil, but you must accept the consequences of your actions whether they are good or bad.
Standing in the gospel requires us to know and give forgiveness at the proper time in the proper way. Much can be written on this, but suffice for here that forgiveness and enabling are not the same. Forgiveness does not mean there is no accountability. However, there is no forgiveness without being conduits of God's grace to others. Believers are commanded to forgive in the same way that God has forgiven them...completely.
When we stand in the gospel it means that we walk the journey alongside the hurting. Godly love helps us walk the journey of life with others. It is walking with victims as they heal. It is walking with offenders as they repent and lead them to biblical reconciliation. It is not sitting in condemnation, that is for God alone. It is hard. It is messy. It is not fun. It is the Gospel. It is being the body of Christ to one another.
3. We stand for the Hope in Jesus Christ.
Peter teaches us that we, "who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God." (1 Peter 1:21) We know that it is through Jesus, and Jesus alone, that we have victory. In these evil days, in which we are to redeem the time, may those who claim the name of Jesus live out the testimony of Jesus. We stand firm in our rebuke of those who have grossly and grievously sinned. We stand firm that we will walk this journey together because we know that our is an assurance that Jesus is coming back. He will make all things right. Ours is to be a gentle, but firm walk knowing that we are not yet home. The hope we have lets our minds and hearts be focused on the things that are above where the mind of Christ is, not spiraling into despair at the sin that seems to have so easily beset so many these days.
We stand for truth. This is hard to do in a day and age that believes all things are relevant while not tolerating anything but their own view. This attitude has no place in the believer's life. We stand firm on what Scripture teaches. We stand firm on the rock, in the gospel, and for hope in Jesus Christ. Grieving and broken hearted, now is the time to stand for truth.
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