Reflection on #SBC21
Is this the dawning of a new day for Southern Baptists or the sunset of a dying convention?
This seemed to be the metaphorical question going into the convention in Nashville on June 15-16, 2021. I was there. I wondered what would happen. I was concerned about what would take place. As those dates are behind us, here are three things that I have taken away from this convention.
Grace is necessary.
We listened to one another. We heard the cries of those who are hurting. We took action on behalf of those who needed someone to stand with them. However, we did not do it in a way that was harsh. We followed what Scripture says to "submit to one another."
I am grateful that the Executive Team stated through Ronnie Floyd that we will do what the messengers desire. That is their role. They are accountable to the messengers. They did well to live that out and did so gracefully.
It was hot! Oh, so hot. But the heat did not deter the business of the convention, nor did it take people's emotions to a level that hurt the testimony of Jesus Christ. I love that the heat became an arena of levity and we could all have a good laugh at ourselves in the midst of tension.
If we want to be "Great Commission Baptists," we must live out the Great and that begins with Grace.
Jesus Christ is primary.
Everywhere you turned this past week, Jesus was present. Through the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was exalted. Jesus was worshiped. Jesus was lifted high. Though tensions were present, I did not see one time where anyone desired their way as primary, but believed they were honoring the Lord Jesus Christ through their actions.
Southern Baptist, believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, no matter your theological bent, we must remember that we already have an enemy. The adversary, the devil, roams about as a raging lion looking for those that he can devour. We are to remember that enemy is DEFEATED by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Our role is to be conduits of grace to one another. I was blessed to watch the Holy Spirit put a blanket of conviction that led to confession resulting in collaboration to the honor and glory of God.
We saw Jesus Christ is primary for Great Commission Baptist!
Unity is elementary.
The fundamental thing that Christian love develops is unity with our brothers and sisters. We stood together. Did we disagree? Absolutely, but we were not disagreeable.
We saw past and present leadership stand up and say, "Don't you dare take time to honor us. We must fall on our faces before the throne of God before we go any further." Watching the past presidents of the convention set that president for this convention soothed the oil of unity over the cracking soul of the people.
This was labeled to be a "watershed" moment in SBC life. It was! Not because of any motion or resolution. Not because of who spoke or what was said. Not because of how things happened or who was elected.
No, the watershed moment came when leaders led the people in prayer right from the start. Thank you to our leaders who understand that to be powered up, we HAD to be prayed up. I believe that through those first moments of prayer, the attitude of the convention changed. The spirit of the convention changed. God was glorified, the enemy fled in horror at the sound of 13,000 voices crying out to God.
Thank you Father for what you did. May the Lord Jesus Christ be given all glory forever.
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