What are you not saying?

Let's take a moment today and think about what you are not saying. A lot of times we are told or think about what to say, how to say it, and/or how what we say comes across to other people. Scriptures is clear about watching what we say and thinking about our speech patterns. Ephesians 4:29-32 teaches that our actions and directly related to our speech. In other words, you walk what you talk.

That being said, I believe that much of what is not said should be talked about more. Now, let me be clear, I am not meaning to have our speech include filthy things and words that tear down others. I am simply putting out the idea that our speech patterns need more of Ephesians 4:32, "And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving others even in the same way that God forgave you in Christ." I would dare say that too many of us (yes, us...me included) do not have the kind of speech represented here consistently in our lives.

Is my speech patter, are my words, my go-to, not have to think about it, roll off the tongue words kind? Do they show a tender heart? Is forgiveness dripping off my tongue? I not, what we are not saying needs to change.

As you live and work, is Christ's forgiveness to you spoken openly, freely and frequently to others? Do those within your sphere of influence know that you are forgiven by the God of the universe? Might it be that what we do not say often and loudly is exactly what our family, friends and neighbors really need to hear?


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