Puppies and Christians

We have two dogs and one cat, at least we used to. Our cat is a tuxedo cat named Oreo, but she will also answer (or at least look at you) if you call her cat, Satan's bride or psycho. Our female dog is a Shepherd/Husky mix and our male dog is a black lab. Last year our dogs decided to not follow our house rules and the boy dog went into the girls room alone with the female............yeah. So we ended up with a litter of nine puppies. Here I would like to give a shout out to my nephew for watching them while we were on vacation for about two weeks. (Pausing while you chuckle...go ahead...we did.) This last week, after another episode of not obeying the rules (again) we were blessed with a litter of 10 puppies. Here are a few lessons I have learned from puppies about Christians while I have spent time watching and playing with the fur-balls. 1. Like puppies, Christians need to dog pile. We need each other. That is one HUGE reason the writer of Hebrews said to come togeth...