The Universe's Coolest Dad

It's Father's Day weekend and I cannot get out of my mind what Father's Day should focus on.  Family, that is what makes you a father, whether it is your own, adopted, surrogate or otherwise, children are necessary to be a father.  As I think about my children, my mind wanders back to the cross.  When most Christian think on the cross there are generally only a few thoughts that run through our minds depending on where we are in our lives at that moment.  Some may have a deep sense of gratitude for the price that was paid for their salvation.  Others may think how awful that such brutality could ever happen.  You may be one that focuses on yourself and wonder at why Someone would choose to go through that type of horror just to save you as you continue to heap condemnation on yourself.  Finally, there are a few who stand at Calvary without any emotion sense of personal responsibility and walk away without regard for the One they claim to serve.

This weekend my mind and heart are in deep gratitude and wonder, not so much on the Savior but on the Father.  Think through what this must have been like for the Father to see and send His Son to be tortured by the ones He had come to save.  As all of Creation was crying out and the angels standing there in holy anger that the One to whom they have cried Holy, Holy, Holy to is massacred while Satan dances around the cross laughing and jeering at Jesus hanging there.  The Father who has taken the forces of all supernovas, all catastrophes, all the eruptions of volcanoes since time began and placed it all into one cup, the cup of wrath and pour out His entire wrath onto the mind, body and soul of His only Son.  And all this for one you and I can have a personal relationship with Him again in spite of the fact we have defied His authority and love over us time and again. To be in full unity with the entire Trinity since eternity past and then this...broken.  "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?"  (Matthew 27:46)  Imagine the eyes of the Father burning as He rises from His throne and turns His back on His Son...because of you...and because of me.  I don't know about you, but I know my heart.  I don't love anyone enough to do that to my son. 

However, we can rejoice and proclaim in the words of Propoganda, "On the third day we all cheered, because we know the check cleared."  The price for sin was paid.  I thank You Father, for doing what we could and would not.  To spare me and sacrifice Your Son.  He deserves all glory for truly being the universe's coolest Dad.


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