When Life is Hard
There are difficult things in life to understand, many of which, let's face it, we don't. There are some who, at times, act like they understand. For example, when the grandchild explains to the grandparent about all that is needed to beat the video game, talks about the hidden stages, and uses characters by name. The grandparent nods, mutters mmmhmmm and ok, but has no clue what is going on. You know, moments like those. Yeah, sometimes life is hard to understand. What happens when you don't know which way to go, what is happening, or why it is happening to you. How can you explain your life, your faith? What if you have trouble understanding it all. 1. Live on mercy As Christians, we can live on one of three levels. We can return evil for good, which is the satanic level. We can return good for good and evil for evil, which is the human level. Or, we can return good for evil, which is the divine level. Jesus is the perfect exampl...