Failure of the Western Church

There is no debate that the western church is alive. She is active. She is well. That being said, some would debate those statements. What I say here, to some, will be offensive and harsh. That is not the intent. The intent is tha t it is time for us to be honest with ourselves and the people of God. 1 Peter 4:17 states that “it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God.” Now you may be thinking, “Who are you to judge?” I am of the household of God and throughout Scripture it tells us to examine ourselves, so I am examining. Within our culture, here in the west, we have allowed those who are clubs to maintain that they are churches. People gather at these clubs to hear what they want to hear, to be entertained, and to set their own agenda. Men and women of God, we should be aware of these places, and we should stop calling them churches. Here are three ways you can tell if your “church” is a cl...