One Step to Revival

Revival is not a one time thing. This is, I believe, the key to understanding true revival. True revival happens when a disciple of Jesus Christ is filled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 states, "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit." Continuing on, Paul tells what a Spirit-filled person acts like. Now you can get all wrapped up in the first phrase of the verse and never make it to the second part, but I am not interested in having a conversation that focuses on picking apart Scripture and never living it out in life. Being filled with the Spirit simply means being under control of the Holy Spirit thereby impelled and empowered to do His will. It is not indwelling of the Spirit, nor is it baptism of the Spirit, nor is it getting more of the Spirit. I like how the commentators of the Liberty Annotated Study Bible put it, "Those who are saved do not need to get more of...