Grace vs. Peace - Part 1
Dr. Charles Ryrie said, "If you cannot define a word, you will not use it correctly or carefully." So many times when I try to define words for myself when speaking with others I am accused of just trying split hairs or make it seem that true definitions are a waste of time. This has always seemed to be kind of dumb to not define a word. I would consider myself to be an novice in the wordsmith world, yet it is disturbing that in common language, business language and theological language we are losing the battle to simplistic speech. I believe that our speech should be "seasoned with salt" and simple to understand. However, it is through the defining of words that will bring that simplicity. Let's take the phrase we hear in the church world frequently, "You need to show them grace." I will be sharing my thoughts on this in future posts, but for the meantime I would be interested in your thoughts to the following questions for this phrase: 1....